U.K Vietnamese Organisations - Communities - Groups
A - Communities
1- Community of refugees from Vietnam - east London
Old Poplar Library - 45 Gillender Street - London - E14 6RN
Tel: 0207 538 4986 - Mobile : 07881670096. Email : crveastlondon@aol.com
Website: www.crveastlondon.org
2- Center 151 ( Vietnamese - Laos - Cambodia)
151 Whiston Road E2 8GU
Tel: 0207 739 3650 - Email : info@centre151.com
Website: www.center151.com
3-Greenwich Vietnamese Women's Group
Woolwich Common Community Centre
16 Leslie Smith Square - London - SE18 4DW
Tel: 0207 739 3650 - Email: greenwichvnwomen@tiscali.co.uk
4- Lambeth Elderly Association from Vietnam
56b Courland Grove- London - SW8 2PX
Tel: 0207 498 2465 - Email: ​myd@leav.org.uk
Website: www.leav.org.uk
5- The Cambridgeshire Vietnamese Community
102 Perne Road - Cambridge - CB1 3RR
Tel: 01223215231 - Email: ​camb.vietnamesecommunity@gmail.com
6 - Midland Vietnamese Community Association
8 Charleville Road - Handsworth - Birmingham - B19 1DA
Tel: 01215549685 - Email : mvrca1982@yahoo.com
. Website: www.mvrca.wordpress.com
7 - Portsmouth Vietnamese Association
Friendship House - Elm Grove - Southsea - Hampshire PO5 1JT
​ Tel:02392755727 - Email : mai.hoang@ntlworld.com
8- Vietnamese Family Partnership ( Gia Dinh Viet)
Evelyn Community Centre
1 Kingfisher Square - London SE8 5TW
Website : www.vietfp.org - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VietnameseFamilyPartnership
9- Vietnamese Association in the UK – VAUK
133 Creek Road. London. SE8 3BU
1 Kingfisher Square - London SE8 5TW
Phone: 0208 0966999 Email: office@vauk.org - Website: www.vauk.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1107455159265589/
B - Religious organizations
1- Linh Son Temple UK
76 Beulah Hill, London SE19 3EW
Tel: 0208 771 5933 - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/giac.do.3781